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for Teenagers

Teenage years are the hardest to navigate for both the teenagers and their parents. thereforyou for Teenagers is here to make those rough teenage years easier for the child and the parents. 


To know more about the processes we follow to ensure a safe space for your child and you, to be guided to the right thereforyou professional, and to book a thereforyou Session for yourself or your teenager, please message us here or drop us a message on the chat window and someone from the team will be in touch with you shortly.

Counselling for Teenagers

Our Counselling Psychologists are trained to counsel teenagers to cope with what they're going through, to help them feel heard in a safe space and to provide them with tools to deal with their emotions on an ongoing basis. 1-ON-1 tfy Counselling for Teenagers is here to ensure they don't take their childhood traumas and issues into their adulthood. 


Wellness Sessions for Teenagers

tfy Wellness Sessions help children deal with the stress and angst that are a part and parcel of being a teenager. To increase concentration, improve productivity, be more confident, lead healthier lives, and to help elevate the mood, we curate 1-ON-1 wellness sessions for teenagers based on individual requirements. 


Counselling for Parents of Teenagers

Being a parent to teenagers is not easy. We help you navigate the stress, anxiety, anger, or sadness of seeing your child "change" as they grow older through counselling and wellness sessions (because if you look after yourself, you'll be able to look after your child better. 

Get in Touch

To know more about tfy for Teenagers services or to make a booking please MESSAGE US and someone from the team will be in touch with you shortly.

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